Narrative Theory- Applying Theorists To A Music Video
Taylor Swift- Blank Space
Propp: Within this music video, the storyline follows the likes of Taylor and her 'boyfriend'. It shows a brief summary of there relationship before he supposedly cheats on her. Ultimately there are limited characters within this music video, however both characters still have the appropriate features which can be related to Propp. Propp suggests that all characters have a specific role which can be shown within this music video. Taylor is posed as the hero (the character who seeks to find love), with the male character posing as the villain who cheats on her and results in Taylor going 'insane'.
Todorov: Todorov believed there was a sequence that occurred within music videos. It begins with the initial equilibrium... this is the set up of Taylor meeting her 'boyfriend'. There then follows a disruption to the equilibrium whereby this is shown when her boyfriend seems to be messaging other girls. This then triggers the recognition of the disruption which is shown when Taylor begins to argue and with him but his actions seem to repeat themselves. An attempt to repair the damage then follows where Taylor frantically tries to get his attention by distrosying his stuff and seeming upset. To finalises the video the new equilibrium is formed and Taylor is shown as a new person, similar to how she was in the beginning of the video waiting for the next man to enter.
Bathes: Bathes believed that a music video can be broken down into 5 different elements which help the viewer understand the text. To begin with the action code is represented in the fight between Taylor and her boyfriend. This is made dramatic through the use of lip syncing and accented beats. The referential code shows how the boyfriend is texting on his phone whilst Taylor is looking up at him. This gives the audience the information they need to fully understand what is going on. Then the enigma code is what teases the audience. This is done at the end of the music video where the boyfriend quickly drives off and Taylor is waiting for the new boyfriend to enter.
Levi-Strauss- Levi's theory can be used to determine the opposition within the text. For example, within the Black Space video, there is Taylor as a clam, sweet and loving girl vs the insane, jealous, and crazy girlfriend. This can then be applied to the boyfriend when he is calm and collected and then becomes the cheater. This theory ultimately picks out that the characters grow and change showing how there character has developed during the video.